Get Closer to The Anonymous

This time we will know more closely with a group of hackers calling themselves as anonymous. and I have a game for you! ,count how many words I wrote anonymous in the article :).

Anonymous was born in 2003 , Anonymous has a variety of missions ,especially against internet censorship and surveillance online by the government.

so often they Attacking and invasion of government website. Anonymous also understand anti against scientology ,corruption and homophobia.

Though at first ,the name of the group of online community created for composition glad-glad. Anonymous is not really an organization. they are a great group of individuals who have the same interests. so often said everyone could be Anonymous.

Since 2008 ,more serious Anonymous hacktivist action ,namely to hack for cartain missions.
they dubbed the Robbin Hood known digital and fight for freedom of information and internet access.
They are more wild action hack and attack important websites. so the famous Time magazine put their name as one of the most influential groups in the world in 2012.

Name Anonymous it self is inspired by the usual user anonymity post something on the internet.
Yes ,many people prefer not to call her true identity in cyberspace.
Anonymous concept more stable in 2004. at that time ,the administrator activates 4chan forum ,Forced Anon protocol that makes all posts called Anonymous.

Anonymous is also a group of individuals who are not named. Anonymous members consist of many internet forum users. They mobilize attack or mission through a variety of containers. as in 4chan ,Youtube ,up through Facebook.

Anyone who wants to be Anonymous and work with a specific purpose. We agree with all the agenda but operate independently ,said a member.

One of their famous motto is :

"We are Anonymous."
"We are Legion."
"We do not Forgive."
"We do not Forget."
"Expect us."

Anonymous has often carry out attacks to various important websites. Usually as a sign of protest or dissent.
The organization includes opposing the existence of Pirate Bay. similiar actions occurred in 2012 ago when the Megaupload website closed.

Anonymous Hackers managed to cripple the US Department of Justice's website ,the FBI ,and the Motion picture Association of America (MPAA) ,Everything consireded as a party to deflate Megaupload.

Anonymous also been crippling sites containing child pornography. in 2008 ,they launched a massive online attack on Scientology religious groups.

not infrequently they launched an attack on government websites of various countries. They never subvert various important sites in protest of israel's brutal attack them to Palestine. they had to spit personal data 5000  israel officials.

Some members of Anonymous were arrested officers. in 2010 authorities in the Netherland arrested a 16-year old teenager for attacking the website Visa ,Mastercard ,and PayPal.

in January 2011 British Police managed to arrest five hackers associated with Anonymous.
June 2011 ,police in Spain arrested there people who enter the network Anonymous. All three attacked government websites Egypt,Algeria,Iran,Chile and New Zealand.

One case that stands out is the arrest of Christopher Weatherhead. He organized DDoS attacks on PayPal and sentenced to 18 months in prison. There are many more cases of arrests Anonymous hackers. but apparently they did not give up and will continue to perform its mission.

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